What is the difference between Yin and Restorative Yoga?

This is a question that does come up for students who are newer to yoga and may see both practices as the same as they are both floor based. Both practices are safe for beginners through to athletes, those with injuries, and movement limitations, or in their silver years.

The two practices are rooted in different philosophies and focus.

In Yin Yoga, we are focused on:

  • Working into the deeper connective tissue

  • Using active stretches

  • Props are used to deepen / ease the stretch

  • The practice has some roots in the Traditions of Chinese Medicine

Yin helps to bring more balance to an energetic routine. It helps with flexibility and keeping joints healthy. The practice can help with anxiety, stress, and releasing emotions stored in the body.

Yin Yoga Jessica Lee Forward fold Butterfly

In Restorative Yoga, the focus is on:

  • Resting the mind and body.

  • The body is passive when in an asana or stretch

  • Props are used to support the body to relax fully. More props are used in Restorative than Yin normally.

  • Poses are held for longer than Yin (5-20mins)

  • Restorative yoga is rooted in the traditions of Iyengar Yoga

Restorative Yoga helps to create deep relaxation, stress release and helps to calm the nervous system. There are fewer poses done in a Restorative class. For example in a 60minute Restorative yoga class there could be between 3-5 poses with savasana included in this.


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